Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients

The Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients (CSCKP) brings together like-minded people who care deeply about the quality of compassionate, supportive care for kidney patients. We are professionals from many disciplines and laypersons who are working for true...

American Cancer Society

Many patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers have questions about what they might expect during the last few months of life. At this link, you can find information on what to expect when you or someone you care for are nearing the end of life, as well as...

Common Myths of Hospice Care Debunked

In the past 40 years, attitudes towards death and dying in America and much of the rest of the world have slowly changed. The hospice movement has grown considerably and now constitutes its own segment of the health care system. This article helps dispel five common...

What is Hospice Care?

Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice in South Jersey explains the goals and benefits of hospice.

National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning.

The Conversation Project Starter Kit

The Conversation Starter Kit is a useful tool to help you have the conversation with a family member, friend, or other loved one about your – or their – wishes regarding end-of-life care.

LeadingAge NJ – Advocacy in Action

The Goals of Care Coalition founding member LeadingAge NJ is the statewide association of non-profit senior care organizations dedicated to advocacy for high quality aging services and end-of-life care.

COPD Foundation Website

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. Click here for information about various initiatives the COPD Foundation is taking to expand the services and to improve the lives of individuals affected by COPD.


Get answers to “frequently asked questions” about of end-of-life care in NJ today and planning for the final stages of life from the Goals of Care Coalition of NJ.

Speak to Mom and Dad

Speaktomomanddad is a helpful blog with tips and resources about caring for aging parents. The blog covers common issues with aging parents, including: medical, financial/legal, and caregiving concerns.

Advocate for Mom and Dad

Advocate for Mom and Dad offers practical caregiving advice for “what do I do?” and “where do I start?” Topics include legal, financial, insurance, and caregiving issues including links to helpful resources.

What We Should Be Asking in End-of-Life Care (video)

In this video, Dr. Atul Gawande, Boston surgeon and author of the best selling book “Being Mortal”, discusses the importance of focusing on how someone wants to live at the end of their life—not just how to keep them alive.

When Should Dying Patients Stop Treatment? (video)

In this video, Dr. Atul Gawande, Boston surgeon and author, has a remarkable conversation with the widower of Sara Monopoli who was diagnosed with cancer during her pregnancy. This story inspired Dr. Gawande to explore the questions of what really matters in the...

ADA – Seniors with Diabetes

While diabetes can be effectively managed, it can be difficult at times. With age comes an increased risk for complications that need to be properly addressed. Long-term care and end-of-life planning is also important to look into for your later years.

AHA – Planning for Advanced Heart Failure

An important part of shared decision-making in advanced heart failure is to clarify what you would want done when future events occur, including unexpected ones. Advance care planning is the process of anticipating future scenarios and communicating your preferences...

AHA – End-of-Life Questions

Thinking about death can be painful for you and your loved ones, but knowing what to expect at the end of life can help you work through the practical issues and emotional road ahead.

VNA – Hospice Care

Hospice involves a team of professionals to care for, guide and support terminally ill patients. Hospice can be provided at home or in a nursing facility and may be considered when a person has a life expectancy of six months or less.

HCHANJ – What is Hospice?

Hospice provides supportive services to patients and their loved ones by addressing a patient’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs in addition to assisting loved ones throughout this time. Hospice is specifically for those with 6 months or less of...

Memory Care Centers

A memory care center is a specific type of long-term care facility designed to meet the particular needs of a person with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other types of memory problems.

SNF/LTC Centers

A long-term care facility provides care to help with a persons tasks of everyday life (bathing, dressing, using the bathroom), but not more involved medical care. A skilled nursing facility is also a residential setting but also can provide a higher level of medical...

Assisted Living

Assisted living facilities offer housing options for older adults who need help with daily activities (dressing, bathing, eating, using the bathroom) but do not require the medical and nursing care provided in nursing homes.

VNA – Home Care

The Visiting Nurse Association Health Group provides care at home and collaborates with healthcare providers and family to help patients maintain their independence as much as possible.

HCHANJ – Home Care

The goal behind home care is to support an individual so he or she can remain at home. Home care services also benefit loved ones by ensuring a loved one is in good hands while receiving quality care.

NJHCQI – Conversation of Your Life

The “Conversation of Your Life” program goal is to encourage conversation around advance care planning so individuals in NJ will inform their family, friends, and healthcare providers about their end-of-life wishes.

State of NJ – Hospital Patients’ Rights

All patients in NJ hospitals have certain rights related to medical care, transfers, medical records, discharge planning and other topics. Click here to see these rights as described by State of NJ Department of Health.


Cake is a free online tool that makes advance care planning and end-of-life planning easier. Answer simple questions to discover your preferences for healthcare, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions. Cake will input your answers into key documents for you, which are...

NJ POLST Form (Spanish)

Here you’ll find a Spanish translation of the NJ POLST form that you can download. You can use this valuable tool with your healthcare providers to make it clear about the types of medical treatment you would and would not like to receive.

NJ POLST Form (English)

Here you’ll find a NJ POLST form that you can download. You can use this valuable tool with your healthcare providers to specify the types of medical treatment you would and would not like to receive.

NJHA – POLST Information

The POLST form is a healthcare planning tool that helps individuals work closely with their medical team to describe their medical preferences and goals when facing a serious illness.

Learn About NJ POLST Form (video)

A helpful video series about the NJ POLST form. You’ll learn why this form is important, learn how to complete it, see how it’s different from an advance directive, and more.

Five Wishes

Five Wishes brings a comprehensive approach to a living will by specifically identifying a person’s wishes for medical treatment and comfort care.

Who will speak for you? (video)

Choosing a healthcare proxy (who can make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you can not) is an important issue. This useful video can help you with this decision.

State of NJ – Healthcare Directive Form

A healthcare proxy is a document that names a person you trust to make medical decisions for you If you are no longer able to do so. Here you can find key information about how to choose a healthcare proxy.

State of NJ – Healthcare Representative Form

A proxy directive is a document that identifies a person to make healthcare decisions for you if you become unable to make them. Here you can find the legal forms to fill out and have notarized.