academic institutions

You're Invited

Become a Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey (GOCCNJ) member and join other healthcare organizations, professional associations, academic institutions, and strategic partners in our efforts to ensure that patients living with serious illness get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more.

Become a member

academic institutions

You're Invited

Become a Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey (GOCCNJ) member and join other healthcare organizations, professional associations, academic institutions, and strategic partners in our efforts to ensure that patients living with serious illness get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more.

Become a Member

Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey (GOCCNJ)

GOCCNJ members represent individuals, organizations and the thousands of health professionals who are working to improve serious illness care in New Jersey.

Our members are critical to our collective impact and voice.

Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey (GOCCNJ)

GOCCNJ members represent individuals, organizations and the thousands of health professionals who are working to improve serious illness care in New Jersey.

Our members are critical to our collective impact and voice.

With your help we will:

ADVOCATE TO IMPROVE ACCESS to advance care planning, palliative and hospice care services at the state and federal level

TRAIN PROVIDERS and all those involved in the care of patients with serious illness; prepare the next generation of NJ health professionals

EDUCATE THE PUBLIC about the importance of advance care planning, palliative and EOL care options including hospice

PROMOTE EQUITY in health care

IDENTIFY UNMET NEEDS in serious illness care and address these issues

HELP PEOPLE WITH SERIOUS ILLNESS get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more

With your help we will:

ADVOCATE TO IMPROVE ACCESS to advance care planning, palliative and hospice care services at the state and federal level

TRAIN PROVIDERS and all those involved in the care of patients with serious illness; prepare the next generation of NJ health professionals

EDUCATE THE PUBLIC about the importance of advance care planning, palliative and EOL care options including hospice

PROMOTE EQUITY in health care

IDENTIFY UNMET NEEDS in serious illness care and address these issues

HELP PEOPLE WITH SERIOUS ILLNESS get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more

photo of clinician's hand holding on to a patient's hand
photo of nurse on computer


As an academic institution member, you will have access to exclusive GOCCNJ content plus:

  • Discounted access to GOCCNJ’s:
    • CME Programs
    • Professional Development & Quality Improvement Programs
    • Co-branding of GOCCNJ’s proprietary patient and caregiver resources including our Let’s Talk Guidebook and the 4Step iCare Plan
  • Attend regular meetings (4/year) with Coalition partners; engage with thought leaders on issues of importance
  • Network with peers and professionals dedicated to improving advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care services in NJ; coordinate/collaborate on programming
  • Receive timely advocacy and policy updates on advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care services, and related issues
  • Recognition as a member of the Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey on our website, social media and all collateral material
  • Promotion of member news/events related to advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care services
  • Work together on a customized training program for your organization’s members

Who We Are

Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey (GOCCNJ) was founded in 2018 to better communicate, coordinate and collaborate on issues and activities to improve care for people in our state living with serious illness. We aim to increase access to high-quality, person-centered palliative and end-of-life care by convening stakeholders, identifying unmet needs, advocating for equitable policies and improved health outcomes, and sharing best practices and resources.

Our Vision

ALL patients with serious illness get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more.

Our Mission

Through research, education and advocacy, provide policy makers, healthcare providers, patients, and family caregivers with the information, resources, training, and tools they need to provide high-quality, person-centered advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care services.

Who We Represent

GOCCNJ is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the only network of nearly 35 statewide organizations in NJ working together to represent the interests of older adults and people with serious illness, and the diverse group of providers that care for them. We also have established alliances with national organizations including the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (CTAC) along with strategic partners and academic alliances with leading teaching institutions in NJ training the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Our Values

We believe human interests and personal values must be at the core of medical decision-making. As such, we aspire to create a standard of care for NJ where people receive care that is consistent with their goals and values and honors their dignity.

Who We Are

Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey (GOCCNJ) was founded in 2018 to better communicate, coordinate and collaborate on issues and activities to improve care for people in our state living with serious illness. We aim to increase access to high-quality, person-centered palliative and end-of-life care by convening stakeholders, identifying unmet needs, advocating for equitable policies and improved health outcomes, and sharing best practices and resources.

Our Vision

ALL patients with serious illness get the care they need and no less, and the care they want and no more.

Our Mission

Through research, education and advocacy, provide policy makers, healthcare providers, patients, and family caregivers with the information, resources, training, and tools they need to provide high-quality, person-centered advance care planning, palliative and end-of-life care services.

Who We Represent

GOCCNJ is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the only network of nearly 35 statewide organizations in NJ working together to represent the interests of older adults and people with serious illness, and the diverse group of providers that care for them. We also have established alliances with national organizations including the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (CTAC) along with strategic partners and academic alliances with leading teaching institutions in NJ training the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Our Values

We believe human interests and personal values must be at the core of medical decision-making. As such, we aspire to create a standard of care for NJ where people receive care that is consistent with their goals and values and honors their dignity.


Through advocacy, research, and education, our aims are to support NJ residents with serious illness and their caregivers by:

Photo of two senior venterans
Identifying unmet needs
Photo of father and daughter talking
Increasing access to palliative care
Photo of African American senior woman smiling

Addressing disparities

Photo of senior transgender individual
Promoting equity

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to become a member, simply fill out the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.

* Please let us know:

Photo of an academic wooden doors